Knitting and my dog, what could be better?


Nate's Sweater

Fisherman, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

I finally finished it! Nate's Portuguese Fisherman's Sweater.


He decided that for the picture, he should showcase all of the things I've knitted for him (that's a slipper on his hand).

Now, if the weather will only cooperate, he can wear it. It's October for Pete's Sake, what's up with this beautiful weather???


Blogger Meg said...


I don't know where you find the time to do all this fabulous knitting! The sweater turned out great. When I last saw it, you were part way through the back. Nate, that'll be your favorite sweater this winter. Now I need to make one for Alex. Oh, the pressure!

11:19 AM

Blogger Meg said...

I almost forgot to give you an update on the legwarmers. Here's the update....

I haven't even started them!

This week, I swear. Cindy, you've inspired me.

4:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You inspired me too Cindy. I'm giving my 10 year old grandaughter a "How to Knit" book and accessories for Christmas. She's a budding Martha Stewart, and since I'm all for supporting the arts, arts and crafts that is...

10:09 AM


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