Test post
Hi There!
I'm the newest addition to the family. My name is Selby, and I was completed shortly after Christmastime. I was supposed to be a gift, but couldn't be parted with. I mean really, who could give up this face?
Black Chunky Glasses
Went to a design conference recently, and it was encouraged that people decorate a wall with drawings. Here's one of my favorites...but actually not that many people had those stereotypical "designer" glasses.
Which reminds me, about 7 years ago, I was going to a design award show in Portland. It was my first and I was very nervous. My co-worker was also going, but she didn't want to be seen with me. When I saw her at the show, I noticed that she was wearing, chunky black glasses. I exclaimed, "Oh, wow! I didn't know you wore glasses!" She shushed me and sent me on my way, embarrassed that I pointed out her fashion statement for the evening.
No wonder she didn't want to be seen with me, fear of exposure, I'm sure.
As far as I know, she's still blessed with 20/20, and a strange sense of fashion. What's next a pair of crutches to fit in?
"A knitted washcloth?"
That's the reaction I got when I told people what I was knitting...but it turned out so cute!
The only problem, each petal is it's own piece and then you join them to the center circle, but you end up with lots of little ends to weave in. And if you actually use the washcloth, the ends find their way out.
Anyone out there know a cure for woven in ends coming out?
Sleepy Matilda
Sometimes when Matilda is sleepy, she fights sleep because she's scared to miss something. This is an example of her fighting sleep.
"This favourite employment of our grandmothers ought not to be forgotten. It enables one to be useful in the decline of life, when they can no longer be actively useful; and it is a never-failing amusement. I never knew an old lady ignorant of it, who did not deeply regret she had never learned."
from "The Girl's Own Book"
by Mrs. L. Maria Child
yipes, stripes!
Look at the lovely sweater I was making, it was so soft, so nice, but when I stepped back, I noticed it was STRIPED! Ick! And I just had the sleeves left to do!
I called the yarn company and apparently, they had added a disclaimer to the product, after I purchased it!
My money was reimbursed and I was able to keep the yarn. Now I have the "light" balls separated from the "dark" ones.
celina's sweater
This is the first sweater I have ever made! It just took me a while to get the photo uploaded...sorry. I remember making it...I had a week off from work, and it was sooooo hot (mid August usually is), so I knit and watched the Sopranos. Good times!
The outcome, this sweater and a vast knowledge of all things Soprano.
All done!
I have finished the first sweater I have made for myself, just in the nick of time...spring is right around the corner.
French Poodle
Finally received the poodle ceramic dish I painted. "Non" was Marie's idea. Pretty clever.