Knitting and my dog, what could be better?



halloween, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

I wanted a cute jack-o-lantern...

...Nate wanted a scary one...

...We comprimised.

Matilda, our Quality Assurance gives it a paws up.

I am so cheesy!

Warm Halloween (65°)

Yes, that's right it's a warm halloween, 65° to be exact. Unbelievable. So, Matilda did not wear her pumpkin sweater :(

When I was little, I would wear my costume over a snowsuit.

Also, we went out looking for trick-or-treaters, and saw only a couple. There was one really convincing kid dressed like an old lady, but wait, it was an old lady, just carrying her purse real low and close to the ground. She should've milked it and gone for a few treats along the way to her destination.

Happy Halloween to all! And happy Howl-o-ween from Matilda!


Nate's Sweater

Fisherman, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

I finally finished it! Nate's Portuguese Fisherman's Sweater.


He decided that for the picture, he should showcase all of the things I've knitted for him (that's a slipper on his hand).

Now, if the weather will only cooperate, he can wear it. It's October for Pete's Sake, what's up with this beautiful weather???

Move over Kate Spade!

handbag, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

I'm in the handbag knitting business...I know it looks a lot like my waste basket cozy, but it was knit with entirely different cool color-changing yarn.

I call this my pigeon bag, because it's pigeon-colored.


Felted Yoga Mat Bag?

Waste bin, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Remember that felted yoga mat bag I was working on, well let's just say that my lopi yarn didn't felt like I had hoped.

The bottom was too round to be used as a looked like a GIGANTIC ski hat. So now it's a...

(drumroll, please)



barking, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Gotta love those little vandals...they changed 24 hour banking to barking.

I'm just happy I had my camera to capture the moment.


lil devil

lil devil, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Finally broke down and bought bamboo double pointed needles to finish the devil horns on this hat.

Doesn't my husband, Nate look dashing?

He has threatened to wear this hat with his red union suit...that's quite a halloween costume!

Happy Girl

happydog, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

So happy. So easy to please. In the car going for a ride, oh boy!