Knitting and my dog, what could be better?


All of me!

koala, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Here's what I look like when I'm not taking a self-portrait.

Puffwheat took this one.

Hi There!

koala close up, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

I'm the newest addition to the family. My name is Selby, and I was completed shortly after Christmastime. I was supposed to be a gift, but couldn't be parted with. I mean really, who could give up this face?

koala kitty

koala kitty, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

It's true love. Star-crossed lovers unite!


poncho, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Almost finished knitting this poncho! Woo Hoo! The only problem, it's about three inches too narrow because the ribbing tends to contract more than expand.

We'll see what it looks like.

poncho close up

poncho close up, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Here's a close up of the mini faux cable and my super-cute monkey tape measure.


Black Chunky Glasses

glasses, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Went to a design conference recently, and it was encouraged that people decorate a wall with drawings. Here's one of my favorites...but actually not that many people had those stereotypical "designer" glasses.

Which reminds me, about 7 years ago, I was going to a design award show in Portland. It was my first and I was very nervous. My co-worker was also going, but she didn't want to be seen with me. When I saw her at the show, I noticed that she was wearing, chunky black glasses. I exclaimed, "Oh, wow! I didn't know you wore glasses!" She shushed me and sent me on my way, embarrassed that I pointed out her fashion statement for the evening.

No wonder she didn't want to be seen with me, fear of exposure, I'm sure.

As far as I know, she's still blessed with 20/20, and a strange sense of fashion. What's next a pair of crutches to fit in?

Scarf Model

scarfdog2, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Here is Matilda modelling a scarf I made. It looks better on her than me :)


flower, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

"A knitted washcloth?"

That's the reaction I got when I told people what I was knitting...but it turned out so cute!

The only problem, each petal is it's own piece and then you join them to the center circle, but you end up with lots of little ends to weave in. And if you actually use the washcloth, the ends find their way out.

Anyone out there know a cure for woven in ends coming out?

Need Met

glasses2, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

The need for Black Chunky Glasses has been met. Thanks to the mystery woman for posing for me :)

Knit Wit

knitwit, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Went to Knit Wit's holiday open house. There was a cute pup, wearing his Jil Eaton original featured in her new book.

The best part?

Jil was there and many people thought that she worked at the store and were asking her for help.

Sleepy Matilda

sleepysofa, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Sometimes when Matilda is sleepy, she fights sleep because she's scared to miss something. This is an example of her fighting sleep.