Knitting and my dog, what could be better?


yipes, stripes!

yipes, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Look at the lovely sweater I was making, it was so soft, so nice, but when I stepped back, I noticed it was STRIPED! Ick! And I just had the sleeves left to do!

I called the yarn company and apparently, they had added a disclaimer to the product, after I purchased it!

My money was reimbursed and I was able to keep the yarn. Now I have the "light" balls separated from the "dark" ones.

celina's sweater

celina, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

This is the first sweater I have ever made! It just took me a while to get the photo uploaded...sorry. I remember making it...I had a week off from work, and it was sooooo hot (mid August usually is), so I knit and watched the Sopranos. Good times!

The outcome, this sweater and a vast knowledge of all things Soprano.