Knitting and my dog, what could be better?


Working Dog

This afternoon Matilda decided to go to the office, rather than working from home of course. She made lots of new friends. Loved playing ball in the long hallway and enjoyed looking out the window from so high above. Perhaps she'll be the new Girl Friday at Nate's office.


Barking update

Victory! Today Matilda only let out one "woof" at her friend the husky. I told her not to bark and SHE LISTENED!!! Yay! She was promptly rewarded with a tiny piece of chicken. She is so eager to learn and please. I'm so proud of more freak-outs!

Now if we can get her to stop barking when we put the leash on...she's just so excited.

Oh, on a side note, since the barking has been minimized, she has learned a whole new range of vocal styles, I think she thinks that she's talking.

Too Funny!


Knitting Store

Wouldn't it be cool if you could buy time to knit?


My Little Pumpkin

matildakin, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Last year we had a pumpkin festival, and I figured Matilda needed a new sweater anyway, so why not try that motif.

We went to the festival, there were about 20,000 jack-o'-lanterns and all these little kids were saying "Look at the pumpkin" pointing at Matilda...the parents didn't look because they had seen thousands of jack-o'-lanterns, what could be so different about this one. When the mom finally looked down she was like, "Hey, Sammy, look at that little pumpkin." And the kid said, "yeah, I know" with a really ultra cool attitude.

Matilda was the hit of the night :)

Reading vs. Knitting

Last night I wasn't very sleepy, and I couldn't decide whether to read or knit, so I thought...hey, I can knit while walking, why not try reading and knitting at the same time. I read about 20 pages of the DaVinci Code while working on my mondo yoga mat bag. I accidently dropped one stitch, only one...but it's going to be felted anyway, so the little mistakes won't show. Woo hoo! Gotta love multi-tasking.

This has opened a whole new world for me. Yay!



Woof!, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

Matilda loves to bark at our neighbor's American Husky. But tonight, we limited the "FREAK OUT" to some small, but excited barks. She's trying.

If we can train her good and proper we may get another dog...a Maltese, yay!

We'll see how that goes. Our lives are pretty much dog-centric as it is, so why not have two to share the good life?!

Felted Yoga Mat Bag

Currently knitting a felted yoga mat bag. I'm hoping that the felting goes well, otherwise what will I do with a big tube of a bag...or a too little tube? Hmmmmm, paper towel roll cozy?

I am also knitting Candide's Portugese Fisherman's sweater for my husband. I have one sleeve and the collar left to do. I am procrastinating because I hate, I mean HATE, picking up stitches. I'm not that great at it, it takes a long time...perhaps this weekend. I need to get it done this weekend...there I've talked myself into it.

I'll keep you posted on the progress.


Time for Bed

I have to admit, it has been fun.

I'm too sleepy to figure out how to paste the purling puppies info so that I can be in their netring...any advice out there?



koko kimono

kokokimono, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

This is my most-recent piece. It is one of my favorite Jil Eaton designs. My husband calls it the "cheese curl sweater." Kimono or cheese curl, still pretty cute. Can't wait to see it on little Anna.

Yes, she really is yarn crazy...

yarncrazy, originally uploaded by buzzbox.

My First Post

This my first post here on yarn dog, and wouldn't you know, my dog Matilda is talking to me. She just had a bath, so she's a little crazed right now...not terribly pleased that I'm typing away on the computer. I'm sure you dog owners understand.

Today, I went for a walk at lunchtime and knitted at the same time. Granted, I'm not knitting a terribly difficult piece, but it's nice to know that I can walk and knit. Yup, I'm the dork walking down the street knitting.